who are we
“Be Touched by TNT’s Explosive Cleaning power.”
TNT Premier Cleaning Services was founded by James Hall in July 2016. James Hall is a Cleaning Specialist that exemplifies passion for cleaning and providing efficient, yet excellent services to all consumers. TNT is dedicated to servicing the needs of clients in the Buford, GA and surrounding areas. TNT is a licensed and insured company that has an outstanding reputation for quality, integrity, and customer satisfaction. TNT specializes in cleaning residential and commercial properties. We look forward to making your residence or commercial property clean, while giving you back some of the free time that you deserve. We at TNT Premier Cleaning Services take pride in cleaning.
Types of Services
Regular Cleaning Service
Occasional Cleaning Service
Move-Out/Move-In Cleaning Service
Apartment Cleaning Service
Green Cleaning Service
Special Event Cleaning Service
Housekeeping Cleaning Service
One-Time or Reoccurring Cleaning Services
Request a FREE cleaning estimate today and we will contact you within 24 hours.
Cleaning Tips
Natural Room Deodorizer
Make your own all natural room scent deodorizer. Get a Mason jar. Slice up lemons and put them in the jar. Then add rosemary leaves, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and water. Put the lid on and leave the middle portion open to allow the aroma to permeate. You can also put ribbon or decorations on it to spunk it up a bit. Leave your house smelling fresh and clean
Clean Your Baseboards
Many people clean their homes, but forget to clean their baseboards. It is just like cleaning your face, but forgetting to wipe behind your ears. Your baseboard accumulates dust over a period of time, and should be cleaned quarterly. Cleaning the baseboards is very simple. Just use warm water (add a pinch of dawn if needed) and rag. Hit those Boards!
TNT At Hard at Work!
restore your cast iron skillets
We can mess up our cast iron skillets by over scrubbing or allowing water to sit too long them. To restore, use a scrub sponge and mild dish detergent to clean any rust or particles. Then rinse and dry well. After that, coat the entire skillet with vegetable oil and bake upside down in the oven at 350 degrees for one hour. Let cool and remove excess grease with a paper towel.